英語学習 資格検定

英検準2級対策|1次試験 ライティング(英作文)予想問題と解答例!英作文の書き方のコツも解説



  • Reading 600点
  • Listening 600点
  • Writing 600点
  • Speaking 600点(2次試験・面接)













英検公式サイト ライティングテストの採点に関する観点および注意点(準2級)



英作文を書くときは、上で紹介した「解答の基本パターン(質問に対する自分の意見 → 2つの理由 → まとめ)」にはめ込んで作成します。





STEP1  質問に対する意見を決める

STEP2  意見のもとになる理由を2つ挙げる

STEP3   『つなぎフレーズ』で語数を調整する ←ココがポイント!



Do you think it is a good idea for people to have a car?


STEP1  質問に対する意見を決める



Yes, I think so.( No, I don't think so. )
I think that it is a good idea for people to have a car. ( I don't think it is ~. )
In my opinion, it is a good idea for people to have a car.
I believe that it is a good idea for people to have a car.



STEP2  意見のもとになる理由を2つ挙げる


・If people have a car, they can move easily from place to place. They do not have to worry about changing trains or buses when they travel.

・Cars are helpful when people go shopping. People do not have to carry heavy bags a long way if they have a car.


STEP3   『つなぎフレーズ』で語数を調整する





  • 出だしの意見の部分はシンプルに答える(Yes, I think so. など )
  • 短めの『つなぎフレーズ』を使う(First, Second, など)
  • 最後の意見のまとめは割愛する


Yes, I think so.

I have two reasons.

First, if people have a car, they can move easily from place to place. They do not have to worry about changing trains or buses when they travel.

Second, cars are helpful when people go shopping. People do not have to carry heavy bags a long way if they have a car.


*理由の語数がさらに多い場合は、2L目の「I have two reasons.」を割愛しても大丈夫です。



  • 出だしの意見の部分は質問に書かれたフレーズをそのまま使って答える
  • 長めの『つなぎフレーズ』を使う(The first reason is that ~ など)
  • 理由の後(最後)に意見のまとめを入れる(For these reasons, 以降の部分。最初に書いた意見のフレーズをそのまま繰り返す)


I think it is a good idea for people to have a car.

I have two reasons.

The first reason is that if people have a car, they can move easily.

The second reason is that cars are helpful when people go shopping.

For these reasons, I think it is a good idea for people to have a car.







  • I think so. / I don't think so. (Yes か No で答えられる質問の場合)
  • I think (that) ~. / I don't think (that)
  • In my opinion,  ~.
  • My opinion is (that) ~.
  • I believe (that)  ~.


  • First, ~ .  Second, ~ .  
  • Firstly, ~ .  Secondly, ~ . 
  • The first reason is that ~.  The second reason is that ~.
  • One reason is that ~.  The other reason is that ~ .
  • First of all, ~. (まず第一に〜)
  • To begin with, ~.(まず最初に〜)
  • Next, ~.(続いて〜)
  • In addition to, ~. (加えて〜)


  • So, ~. 
  • Therefore, ~.
  • For these reasons, ~.
  • For above reasons, ~.
  • For the reasons, ~.
  • This is why I think ~.





DeepL翻訳ツール https://www.deepl.com/translator







1.  Do you think it is good to buy used products?

Yes, I think so. First of all, used products are often cheaper than new ones. We can buy the same product at a lower price. Secondly, used products are good for the environment. By buying used products, we can reduce the amount of garbage. Therefore, I think it is good to buy used products.(54語)

2.  Do you think it is good for children to watch TV?

Yes, I think so. Firstly, if they watch various news, they can know what is happening in the world. Secondly, if they watch sports on TV, they may become more interested in sports. Also, it will give a good chance to know sports that children have never experienced. Therefore, I think it is good for children to watch TV.(59語)

3.  Do you think it is better for students to study alone or in a group?

I think it is better for students to study alone. I have two reasons. Firstly, we can study in a quiet space, so we can concentrate on our studies.  Secondly, we can study at our pace. We don't need to study things that we have already understand. For these reasons, I think it is better for students to study alone.(60語)

4.  Do you think people will read more electric books in the future?

Yes, I think so. I have two reasons. First of all, we can buy our favorite books at home easily and quickly. So, we don't need to go to book stores. Secondly, electric books don't use much space, so we don't have to buy a bookshelf. This is why I think people will read electric books in the future. (59語)

5.  Do you think it is better for people to eat at home or at restaurants?

I think it is better for people to eat at restaurants. Firstly, we don't need to prepare foods. If we eat at home, we have to go shopping. Secondly, we can eat delicious foods that made by a professional cook if we eat at restaurants. This is why I think it is better for people to eat at restaurants.(59語)

6.  Do you think convenience stores should open twenty-four hours a day?

I think convenience stores should open twenty-four hours a day. I have two reasons. To begin with, convenience stores are useful for people who work until late at night. For example people who work in hospitals. In addition to, convenience stores are important when some troubles happen. People who need help can ask convenience stores for help.(53語)

7.  Do you think more people will go to sports clubs in the future?

I think more people will go to sports clubs in the future. I have two reasons. First, many people want to play sports when pandemic is over. Second, by holding Olympics and Paralympics, some people will want to challenge new sports that people have never experienced. Therefore, I think more people will go to sports clubs in the future.(59語)

8.  Do you think it is good for elementary school students to have smartphones?

I don't think it is good for elementary school students to have smartphones. I have two reasons. Firstly, sleeping is more important than any other things, By using smartphones, they are likely to stay up late. Secondly, too much smartphones is bad for the eyes. Eyes are very important, so they must take care of their eyes. (57語)

9.  Do you think fast-food restaurants are a good thing for people?

I think fast-food restaurants are a good thing for people. I have two reasons for opinion. First of all, there are many fast-foods restaurants in Japan, so we can eat fast-food whenever we want. Next, although fast-foods is usually cheaper than any other restaurant, fast-food is pretty delicious. Therefore I think fast-food restaurants are a good thing for people.(59語)

10.  Do you think it is a good idea for people to have a car?

I think it is a good idea for people to have a car. I have two reasons. Firstly, we can go anywhere and anytime that we want to go. If we use train, we might not be really free. Secondly, we can carry a lot of baggage, so cars are more useful when we go shopping and traveling.(58語)

11.  Do you think more foreigners will visit Japan in the future?

Yes, I think so. I have two reasons. First, many foreigners are interested in Japanese traditional culture. Many foreigners will visit Kyoto and Nara to see the historical places. Second, Japanese new cultures such as games, comics, anime, are also very popular among young people in the world. This is why I think more foreigners will visit Japan in the future. (60語)

12.  Do you think that AI robots will be useful to people in the future?

Yes, I think so. I have two reasons. First of all, translation robots will help us to communicate with people from other countries. So we can make friends from all over the world. Secondly, talking robots can be a new friend for lonely people. Therefore, I think AI robots will be useful to people in the future.(57語)

13.  Do you think children should learn a foreign language?

Yes, I think so. Firstly, when we learn a foreign language, we will be able to talk to people from different countries. We will be able to make many friends around the world. Secondly, we will be able to enjoy foreign movies or books as they are. For these reasons, I think children should learn a foreign language. (58語)

14.  Do you think more people should use electric cars?

Yes, I think so. I have two reasons. First of all, we can prevent from global warming in the future, if we use electric cars. Electric cars are good for environment. Next, electric cars are more quiet than cars that run on gasoline, so we can solve the noise problem.  Therefore I think more people should use electric cars. (58語)

15.  Do you think parents should take their children to museums?

I don't think parents should take their children to museums. I have two reasons. First, children might not be able to understand most of the arts, so they get bored easily. Second, most of the children can't keep quiet in museum fo a long time, so they might disturb people who are enjoying the arts. (55語)

16.  Do you think more children will go to computer schools in the future?

I think more children will go to computer schools in the future. I have two reasons. Firstly, computers are very useful for learning and work, so many people want to learn how to use them. Secondly, it will be more important to be able to use computers well. Therefore, I think more children will go to computer schools in the future.(60語)

17.  Do you think it is a good idea to grow your own flowers and vegetables?

Yes, I think so. I have two reasons. First, flowers can cheer us up when we are in a challenging situation. Second, by growing vegetables, we can learn how difficult to get foods. Then we will be grateful to the farmers. This is why I think it is a good idea to grow your own flowers or vegetables.(58語)

18.  Do you think it is important for children to learn how to give presentations at school?

I think it is important for children to learn how to give presentations at school. I have two reasons. First of all, presentation skills will be helpful in the future, if children are used to give presentations. In addition to, by learning how to give presentations at school, children are able to master presentation skills more perfectly.(57語)

19.  Do you think young people should travel abroad as many times as possible?

I think young people should travel abroad many times. I have two reasons. First, they can learn practical language while traveling. For example, when they go to the U.S. , they can improve their English skills. Second, they can make friends from many different countries. This is why I think young people should travel abroad many times.(56語)

20.  Do you think more Japanese sports players will go abroad to play for foreign teams?

I think more Japanese sports players will go abroad to play for foreign teams. The first reason is that playing for foreign teams can help us to improve skills. The second reason is that some Japanese players do well in foreign countries, so many children will aim to become a sports player and go abroad to challenge themselves.(58語)

21.  Do you think it is important for children to play sports?

I think it is important for children to play sports. I have two reasons. First, we can make a habit of exercise if we often play sports. Playing sports can helps to keep us healthy. Second, we can relief our stress by playing sports. This is why I think it is important for children to play sports.(57語)

22.  Do you think parents should let their children play video games?

I think parents should let their children play video games. I have two reasons. Firstly, video games can help children to improve their imaginations. Secondly, they can make friends with many people through the video games. In fact, I was able to be friends with a lot of classmates through the video games when I changed may school.(58語)

23.  Do you think people should use the train more?

Yes, I think so. I have two reasons. First of all, trains are very first, so we can go to the destination more quickly. Trains are convenient when we don't have enough time. Next, we don't need to drive. We can sleep on the train if we are tired. Therefore, I think people should use trains more.(57語)

24.  Do you think school classroom in Japan should use air conditioner in the summer?

I think school classrooms in Japan should use air conditioners in the summer. Firstly, if we don't use air conditioner in the summer, it is too hot for students to concentrate on our studying. Secondly, too much heat makes us sick, and we may get a heat stroke. If we get ill, we have to be absent from our school. (60語)

25.  Do you think convenience stores are a good place to buy food?

I think convenience stores are a good place to buy food. I have two reasons. First, there are many convenience stores in Japan, so we can buy foods whenever we get hungry. Second, most of convenience stores open 24 hours a day, so convenience stores are helpful people who work until late at night to get food.(57語)

26.  Do you think more people will take care of their health in the future?

I don't think more people will take care of their health in the future. I have two reasons. Firstly, when the coronavirus pandemic is over, many people may stop taking care of their health. Secondly, medical technology is improving, so some people will not care about getting ill. Therefore, I don't think more people will take care of their health.(60語)










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-英語学習, 資格検定